I'm sitting in bed at 7pm on who knows what day and date (who doesn't love that Christmas and New Year period where you have no idea what day or time it is) in a lovely B&B in Byron Bay with a gorgeous almost 4 year old sleeping next to me. Yeah toddlers wake up at 5am on holidays ready to roll and crash out just when you're trying to decide what to have for dinner.
Alas... life is good. After the mayhem of end of year it's nice to clean and declutter the house and head north to warmer weather for some rest and reflection. I'm so fortunate that my life allows for that. The ocean is my happy place.
In 2016 I wanted to thrive rather than just survive. I wanted to develop personally and professionally and really take things to the next level. I wanted to do the things that make me happy. I wanted to travel. I wanted to strengthen the bond with my daughter. I wanted things to be great. I worked really, really, really hard and played even harder. I went to Italy for the first time and back home to Serbia which really refuelled my soul. I learned to trust myself and back myself. When you put yourself out there in a big way, things happen in a big way - sometimes good, sometimes back but always for a reason. I wouldn't change a thing about 2016. I seem to always be BUSY but amongst it all I've done my best to make time for the little things, like taking my daughter to ballet every week and WATCH her learn to dance. To sacrifice a lot to enrol her in a wonderful kinder. To show her amazing new places in Australia and around the world. I've worked through many coffee breaks and lunch breaks to get out of the office at a reasonable hour and take her to the park or a picnic or for frozen yoghurt. I don't do it enough but I don't beat myself up about it either. Nobody is perfect. Everybody does the best they can.
I also found time to start running. Yeah, 3 months ago I was a "I can't run" person. Now I'm training for a half marathon. More like shuffling but I have another 5.5 months to go.
I don't make resolutions, but i do set goals so this year I want to keep kicking butt at work. I want to get better at running and drink more water! And spend less money on myself and more on those I love.
Seems fair!