What a couple of weeks it's been.
My body doesn't do a common cold. When a virus swirls around it takes a violent hold of my body and everything must go on hold. I've learnt to listen to my body. Whereas before I would have battled through it, now I know to rest and cancel ALL my commitments.
I took that opportunity to take a proper break and disconnect. And read the pile of books I've had on my bedside table all year. This year has been such a blur. Christmas decorations are already in full swing in the department stores. I'm just not ready!
From time to time I am sent samples of various things to try. I'm honest in everyday life (some might say too honest), therefore I'm no different when it comes to my blog. If I don't like something I won't feature it here.
A few weeks ago I was sent some samples of Mask in a Cup. My skin is pretty good right now, so I can't comment on any problems that the mask may fix, but my skin was very soft and supple after I used it. What I loved about these masks is that they are hygienic and easy to use, mix with water and throw out the cup when you're done. No sticking fingers in a jar once a week for 6 months.

(Please note I have NOT been paid to mention this product, it is an honest, unbiased opinion)
But the product I really loved is the Konjacu Fibre Sponge. Wow! When I'm wearing make up I have used it with cleanser to remove all traces of it perfectly. When I'm not wearing make up, I wash my face with just water and the sponge. I cannot believe how soft and clear and radiant it's been. And such a bargain too. Will definitely be purchasing this one.
I have a commitment free weekend for the first time in months. Cannot wait to tackle my recipe folder and sort through the pile of magazines threatening to take over the study. And enjoy a long breakfast, a pot of tea and Smurfs in 3D.